The decision to sell a used fire truck from your department's fleet was just made, and you want to sell it fast. Pictures sell better than words.
Used fire trucks sell faster if there are great pictures of the truck posted online, and if there are more than 10.
More than 10 pictures.
Our data shows that having at least 25 photos of your truck will help it sell most effectively. Having less than 10 photographs will dramatically affect your truck's ability to be sold.
With 19+ years of experience buying, selling, and fixing used fire trucks, we have discovered that trucks posted with great pictures sell faster.
The type of pictures you need.
What kind of pictures will help sell our fire department’s truck faster?
The basics for taking pictures of a fire truck are:
Take the pictures outside with a neutral background.
Pictures, no matter the location, should have good, bright light.
A good mobile phone camera is sufficient for taking pictures.
Take overall images of the truck from all sides.
Interior photos of the cab, include driver and passenger side.
All exterior compartments with the doors open.
A close-up of the pump panel.
All other special features.
View sample pictures.
We have created a special photo guide to help you understand what customers are looking for when shopping for a used fire truck online. You will find examples of pictures that help sell your truck based on the apparatus type on the photo guide page.
Shopping Online.
In today’s online world, consumers are doing a significant percentage of their research and shopping online, even for used fire trucks.
If you have recently shopped for a new or used car, more than likely, you spent hours on your computer or mobile device looking at vehicles, even zooming in on pictures before ever visiting a showroom. We see more and more of this trend as departments shop for used fire trucks. And because of limited travel, some departments carry out the whole process without seeing the truck in person.
There are more tips about how to sell your fire truck in our article: 9 Tips for Selling Your Fire Truck.
A picture is worth a thousand words.
The old saying goes: A picture is worth a thousand words. When it comes to fire trucks, 25 or more pictures may sell your fire truck faster and for more money.