Cooperative Buying Power

Posted by Michael H. Smith, on September 21, 2020

My city requires purchases of products and services to go out to bid.

Many municipalities and other public agencies ease the strain, managing tight budgets, and offering transparent transactions by joining a collaborative purchasing organization.

Brindlee Mountain Fire Apparatus is excited to announce the fire apparatus contract award through  NPPGov. NPPGov specializes in helping government agencies make the most of their buying dollars.

Brindlee Mountain's three-year contract through NPPGov satisfies many agencies’ bid processes. The contract offers municipalities the full range of services from Brindlee Mountain, including used apparatus purchases, apparatus sales, refurbishment, leasing, maintenance, and repairs.

The award through NPPGov, a national cooperative procurement organization based in Seattle, Washington, offers publicly solicited contracts to government entities nationwide. 

More and more, government procurement professionals are turning to various forms of cooperative contracts to ease the strain. Cooperative contracts are becoming increasingly popular at the federal, state, and local levels. Cooperative purchasing is popular because it can save significant time and money in contract production as well as lower contract prices through the power of aggregation. Copied from National Association of State Procurement OfficialsStrength in Numbers: An Introduction to Cooperative Procurements

Some municipalities require purchases of all sizes to be made through a buying organization, such as NPPGov. Brindlee's goal is to serve communities, and we feel this is a logical step to forward that mission.

Contact Us so we can serve you.

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