Sometimes ‘new’ nor even ‘gently used’ is not the best option to meet a fire department’s needs or their current budget.
The best option may be a complete refurbishment of an existing apparatus.
Brindlee Mountain Fire Apparatus has the personnel, experience, and facilities to meet the refurbishment needs of any department.
In the last 3 years alone, the BMFA service shop has completed 145 projects in its service center with a refurbishment level scope of work (100+ hours of labor to complete).
The customers BMFA has completed full end to end refurbishment projects for range from the Department of Defense, paid fire departments, private fire protection agencies, and volunteer fire departments. When choosing to refurbish a truck with Brindlee Mountain Fire Apparatus, the customer has the option of meeting with the project management team, a lead technician on the project, as well as the VP of Technical Services prior to finalizing scope.
The team at Brindlee Mountain is accustomed to working with customers diligently to match their apparatus capability needs with the right technical solutions and upgrades to match their budget. BMFA has deep experience refurbishing and repairing apparatus lighting, pump systems, aerial systems, foam systems, heavy diesel chassis work, tank fabrication, plumbing systems, brake systems, paint, and lettering work. The fully custom approach to service and refurbishment work enables BMFA to tailor any project to meet the customer’s needs and budgets.
Brindlee Mountain employees over 50 full-time team members whose roles include but are not limited to Emergency Vehicle Technician (EVT) mechanics, fabrication technicians, paint specialists, operations management, parts managers, shop assistants, accountants, purchasing representatives, and sales representatives. Employees certified as EVT technicians perform testing, mechanical repairs, preventative maintenance, and body, collision, and paintwork on over 500 used fire trucks every year. As of August 2019, BMFA has the following certified EVTs on full-time staff:*

*In March of 2019, BFMA performed an audit of all EVT certifications through the EVT Certification Commission. Those certification letters documenting the EVT certifications of our technicians are included in this proposal package. The letters reflect the status of certifications as of March 2019 and do not reflect tests taken since that time.
“If you were to look in the dictionary for the definition of impeccable service, you would find a picture
of the entire BMFA staff. Our department's first experience with BMFA was five years ago when we
purchased a 1997 E-One 75' Quint. I have never experienced the attention to detail that was provided by the entire BMFA staff."
Brindlee Mountain Fire Apparatus is located on two different campuses in Union Grove, Alabama. The main campus sits on 43 acres inclusive of buildings, totaling 33,000 square feet, where offices, parts storage and distribution, pump test facilities, and 14 full-service apparatus bays. The second campus, situated 3 miles north of the main, houses the fabrication shop and fully enclosed, dual-draft paint booth with a baking system.
To view pictures and a virtual fly-over tour of the BMFA main campus, visit:

The timeline for project completion on a full scope apparatus refurbishment project is 100 days starting with the day the truck arrives on the BMFA property. This timeline is an industry-leading benchmark and unique circumstances have the potential to cause a deviation from this target. Furthermore, it is the objective of Brindlee Mountain to execute all work with a spirit of service, 3 which includes being flexible to customer needs and requirements should special circumstances arrive.
In order to minimize risk and ensure delivery timelines are achieved on refurbishment projects, BMFA recommends a structured, phased approach to accomplish contract items. The below graphic demonstrates an example of a structured timeline for a refurbishment project at Brindlee Mountain:

The main campus of BMFA is home to an extensive parts shop with 4 full time experienced parts managers who all have deep experience in apparatus. All of the parts for repair and refurb jobs are sourced through this on-campus resource. BMFA has invested in an end to end parts request and procurement system allowing technicians to work in an efficient and timely manner, reducing errors and benefiting both the company and customer.
Due to the 18 year history and purchasing volume, deep relationships with the major fire truck and fire systems parts suppliers allows for quick response to any order placed. These relationships, coupled with the volume of parts purchased annually, have been leveraged to get the best value possible on parts and components applied to projects.
If you have questions about refurbishing a used fire truck in your fleet let us know. We are here to help you make the best decision for your department.
Our V.P of Operations, Nate Smith, is ready to help and you can reach him by email or reach him by phone at this number: 256-776-7786.
Related Posts: the following are links to posts on our company culture website, These give a glimpse into our team and how they work together to refurb used fire trucks.
A Team of Teams
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